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Speaking Engagements


Panelist, American Bar Association Negotiation Institute, San Diego, California (February 2019)


"STAR: A Systematic Approach to Mediation Strategies,” with Professor Peter Robinson, Lipscomb University Institute for Conflict Management, Nashville, Tennessee (November 2019)


Michael is a popular speaker and enjoys the opportunity to talk to lawyers about negotiation, the law, and dispute resolution.  If you would like Michael to speak to your law firm or conference, please email him at  The following is a partial list of Michael’s prior speaking engagements.

Selected Speaking Engagements


Guest Panelist, Alternative Dispute Resolution/Mediation Forum, University of Memphis School of Law (November 2000).


“Federal Courts: Balancing Liberty and Safety,” United States District Courthouse, Jackson, Tennessee (November 2004).


“Religious Rights in the Workplace,” (Series of lectures) Union University, Jackson, Tennessee (January to February 2006).


“Introduction to Retaliatory Discharge,” 2007 Equal Justice Conference, Manchester Conference Center, Manchester, Tennessee (September 2007)


“Employment Law for the Non-Employment Lawyer,” 2010 Tipton County Bar

Association CLE, Covington, Tennessee (October 2010).


“Wage and Hour Litigation: Point and Counter Point,” with Robert E. Boston, 16th

Annual Labor & Employment Forum, Tennessee Bar Center, Nashville, Tennessee (April 2012)


“Ten Commandments for Young Trial Lawyers,” Presentation to FedEx Legal Department, Memphis, Tennessee (May 2012).


“Recent Developments in FLSA Litigation,” Wage and Hour Conference, Hilton Hotel, Memphis, Tennessee (June 2012).


“Wage and Hour Litigation,” with Robert E. Boston, Federal Bar Association Annual Seminar, United States Courthouse, Jackson, Tennessee (August 2012)


“Subpoenas in Employment Litigation,” with James Mulroy and Hon. Diane Vescovo, Federal Bar Associate Federal Practice Seminar, University of Memphis Law School, Memphis, Tennessee (October 2012)


“Trends in Social Media Discovery in Employment Litigation,” Nashville Bar Association Employment Litigation Institute, Nashville, Tennessee (October 2012).


“Ten Commandments for Trying an Employment Case,” Nashville Bar Association Employment Litigation Institute, Nashville, Tennessee (October 16, 2014)


“Viewing the Wage and Hour Claim from the Other End of the Telescope,” DRI

Employment and Labor Conference, Scottsdale, Arizona (May 2015)


“Employment Law Update,” 73rd Judicial Conference for the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, Detroit, Michigan (May 2016)


“Golden Rules for Initial Pleadings in Federal Court,” Tennessee Bar Association Federal Practice Section Annual Meeting (July 2016)


“ADEA Collective Actions are Heating Up,” ABA Federal Labor Standards Legislative Meeting, Playa Del Carmen, Mexico (February 2017)


“Ten Things Your Mediator Wants You to Know,”  National Employment Lawyers

Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas (June 2017)


“Surviving Shrewd Scrutiny of FLSA Settlements,”  11th Annual ABA Labor and

Employment Conference, Washington, D.C. (November 2017)

“Trends in Alternative Dispute Resolution,” Nashville Bar Association Employment Litigation Institute, Nashville, Tennessee (September 2018)


“STAR: A Systematic Approach to Mediation Strategies,” with Professor Peter Robinson, Lipscomb University Institute for Conflict Management, Nashville, Tennessee (October 2018)


“Dynamics of the Joint Session,” panelist, 16th Annual ABA Advanced Mediation and Advocacy Skills Institute, Chicago, Illinois (October 2018)

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